Monday, December 20, 2010

Magical Moments

The night sky is dark, Snowflakes gently float down to kiss our noses.
The air is crisp with a chill that cools our skin even under three layers of clothes and the chatter of love and thoughtfulness fills the streets as we walk snuggled together in each others warmth.
A magical moment.
One year ago I lay in a hospital bed hugely uncomfortable, silently praying for a healthy baby and a peaceful delivery. John holding me tight as it occurred to us that this would be the last night of our lives that it would just be the two of us, Hayden did not join us for another three days, but we were right, it was our last night alone since my family and doctor after doctor were with us from the next morning until Hayden's arrival. One year later and we spent the first night alone together again remembering all the magical moments of the last year.

This year has been filled with moment after moment of awe and delight. Moments of overwhelming love and complete pride. Moments of admiration and faith.

Hayden has a big boy laugh now... a giggle that makes your soul dance, he fills the house with laughter as we sit on the couch and play games of tickle monsters and peek-a-boo. in between bouts of uncontrollable laughter he sighs deeply as he rest his head to my chest and cuddles for a moment while I kiss him softly on his head. Sitting straight up again... it takes just a moment for him to be ready once more. These are such magical moments.

John walks through the door after a long day in the cold, as he bends down to untie his boots Hayden hears him, and runs with hyperventilating excitement saying over and over "dadadadadadadada, daddy, dadadadada". When there eyes finally meet, Hayden lets out a squeal of joy and love reaching up for his favorite person in the world. John reaches down and lifts this tiny little person into a great big hug, saying to him "thank you for the hugs buddy, daddy loves you", smothering him with kisses their bond is full of love and trust and respect. Magical moments.

As I walk around the counter and into the kitchen, he can no longer see me. I hear quick little pitter-patters of tiny toes coming my way. A curious, sneaky little smile pokes around the corner and our eyes meet. The jolt of excitement of being caught rushes through him as he turns and runs out of site once more. back and forth he comes playing a game with me... where am I mommy? here I come. Oh no you found me!!! and over and over we play. a magical moment.

We pull into the drive way... impatience taking over, we are both so ready to see our baby this morning. Our first night away from him, less than 18 hours gone and we can not wait to see his face and snuggle his tiny little body. John walks in first and there he is, Grandma holding him, ear to ear grin and arms stretched out. Our family is whole again. I followed behind John my heart pounding to hold my sweet baby. As I pick him up and smother him with kisses and cuddles the emotions of the last years struggles and miracles  fill my heart and I can not stop thinking about how blessed I am. This is a truly magical moment.

1 comment:

  1. that was so beautiful, you actually made me cry a little..

